We foster a culture of boldness

We all share a unique way of working: the Unilin Way.
Our business culture is built on 4 strong pillars: passion, entrepreneurship, excellence and respect. This allows us to innovate, take initiative and push boundaries.


Hormat bermula dengan prihatin. Mengenai satu sama lain, pelanggan kami, pihak berkepentingan kami, masyarakat dan planet ini. Matlamat kami adalah untuk menjadi syarikat sifar bahaya (zero harm). Sebuah tempat di mana semua orang berasa selamat, didengari dan dijaga. Oleh itu, kami memupuk budaya di mana semua orang menjaga antara satu sama lain. Mencipta kehidupan yang lebih baik adalah DNA kami. Itulah sebabnya kami sentiasa mencari keseimbangan yang betul di antara ekonomi, masyarakat dan ekologi.


Respect starts with caring: we aim to be a zero-harm company with a positive culture where everyone looks out for each other and safety is an intrinsic part of our activities. We are also aware of the impact we have on the environment and society at large and we always strive to strike the perfect balance between economic, social and ecological considerations. We respect all our stakeholders (staff, customers, suppliers, etc.) taking into account the values and convictions of different cultures.



"Respect is the glue to holding the team and organization together, at Unilin we respect the goal, people and together we celebrate the success."

Umapathy Gopalan




We all share the same passion for our work and our company. We are passionate about designing the most appealing products of the highest quality and offering the best service. We are energised by innovation, the installation and maintenance of new technologies and the continued optimisation of processes and policy. We challenge the status quo and do more with less.


Semangat adalah pendorong kepada semua perkara yang kami lakukan. Kami semua berkongsi semangat yang sama terhadap kerja kami, produk kami dan syarikat kami. Ia memberi semangat kepada kami untuk terus maju, menghasilkan idea baharu dan memberi inspirasi kepada kami untuk mengambil inisiatif. Ia adalah semangat dan motivasi bagi kami. Dan ia membuatkan kami untuk terus berinovasi, mencipta reka bentuk yang tercantik dan menghasilkan produk yang berkualiti tinggi.



"Passion. I am very passionate with what I do and that indirectly makes me do my very best. The passion I have in my work drives me to come out with the best quality. And passion most of the time pushes me beyond my limits to take up any challenges."

Nazrina Mohamad
QA Specialist




We can turn any challenge into a success. We strive for perfection with every fibre of our being. We promote best practices. That is why we constantly question ourselves, why we think about the reasons behind processes and why we discuss alternatives. Our ultimate goal: achieving excellence in everything we do. We aim to have the best organisation and lead every market in which we are active. Speed of implementation, agressive cost control and discipline are of the essence.



Kami yakin bahawa kami boleh menjayakan sebarang cabaran. Kecemerlangan dalam semua bidang, itulah yang kami cari. Itulah sebabnya kami sentiasa mencabar status quo (keadaan terkini). Sama ada dalam mencipta produk dan reka bentuk, membangunkan proses terbaik atau menawarkan perkhidmatan terbaik. Kami berusaha untuk mencapai kecemerlangan. Tidak kira apa yang kita lakukan. Tetapi kami tidak membiarkan kesempurnaan menghalang kami. Jika kami gagal, kami akan belajar dari kesilapan kami dan mencuba lagi.




"Excellence is not a coincidence. It is how we do things. I will always do my best. We create our own choices."


Shaifullah Shahid
Purchasing Executive



Kami adalah pencipta dan usahawan sejati. Apabila orang lain melihat rintangan, kami melihat ia sebagai peluang. Kami mengambil peluang itu sebagai satu pasukan. Mengambil tanggungjawab, melaksanakan tugas dan melangkaui sempadan datang secara semulajadi. Kami memberi semua orang rasa tanggungjawab, mengalakan inisiatif dan berdebat secara hormat bagi sumbangan semua orang. Kami mengambil kira risiko. Dengan mengambil kira masa depan jangka panjang, kami tetap teguh dalam realiti terkini yang sentiasa berubah.


Work ethic and entrepreneurship are engrained in our DNA: the sky is the limit as long as you work hard and invest in people and technology in an intelligent way. Working for Unilin is like working for your own company. Together we are a team of entrepreneurs driven by the will to be successful. Collaboration is our credo. Everyone thinks with everyone else. Thanks to our holistic vision we see the impact of our actions throughout the organisation. When delegating we retain final responsibility and we foster initiative and debate with respect for everyone’s input. We take calculated risks and adjust to changing circumstances. In making decisions we focus on the long term and we anticipate future developments




"Safety is to ensure that all employees work in a safe and healthy environment. I will make sure I work in a safe manner to achieve Zero-Harm objectives."


Aidil Mohamad Ali
Strategic Operational Excellence Assistant





"I am always happy to help my colleagues in time of need as I see everyone helps everyone in our working environment. I also take initiatives and action to adapt to changing conditions to stay relevant with the business needs and to be successful together with the company."

Foo Goik Poh
Logistics Executive





"To achieve our challenging goals, it is important to treat each other honoring our Unilin DNA; with respect at all times so that we can leverage our passion for magnificent floors and compete at our best externally."


Frank Poels
Plant Manager




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